Enter your goals within Thinkingrock using the following screens:
- Set-up your goals levels - long term, short term, life goals
- Goals:
- Define your goals: enter the vision, accountability and rewards to keep motivated. Forecast the obstacles and count on support. Plan through brainstorming.
- Achieve your goals by linking them to projects.
- Goals can be entered in a hierarchy structure.
Other functionality relevant to goals:
- Process thoughts screen: to allow you to process an initial thought to a goal or to reprocess an existing action into a goal;
- Global Find: search within the Goals description and notes;
- Review Projects: folder under the Project tree for each project and sub-project where you can link the project to existing goals.You can edit the goal from that screen.
- Some users associate Topics to Area of responsibility.
Please see the help of the Review Projects, Review Goals and Set-up Goal levels screens for more details.