Once actions and projects have been entered into ThinkingRock, at the beginning of their day, users need to decide which actions to do next. Following GTD®, users needs to take into account the context they are in and any due dates. To help you decide what to do next, ThinkingRock has different views of your data:

01 Actions list by Context, by date or your own filtering

02 Delegated actions list

03 Calendar views: daily, weekly and monthly

04 Weekly review: review projects list

1. Action list by context

Review per context - select your current context


Actions requiring internet connection:



2. Delegated actions



3. Actions by date

Either you can use the various tabs based on date period from the Review Actions screen:



Or the daily calendar view:


Week calendar view:


Month calendar view:



4. Weekly review: projects

Once a week, review your projects to ensure they are on track and they all have an active next action. You can also do more planning, keeping in mind that planning can be dependant on the results of pending actions.

A red folder indicates that there is no active (Do ASAP, Scheduled or Delegated) action under that project.


To avoid cluttering your action lists, set future actions to inactive. They will become active on a start date (if you enter one) or when the previous actions have been done if you are using auto-sequencing on that project.


About ThinkingRock

ThinkingRock is developed by Avente Pty Ltd, an Australian registered company.

ThinkingRock is not affiliated with or endorsed by the David Allen Company.

Getting Things Done® and GTD® are registered trademarks of the David Allen Company.

Read more about the ThinkingRock team in this interview on the Netbeans website

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